
Temple Israel, a diverse USCJ-affiliated congregation of about 300 families in the New Hampshire seacoast, seeks a cantor to assist in our 5785 High Holiday services.


Work with our rabbi during 6-8 sessions over the months leading up to High Holidays to plan the services. Help to lead all six High Holiday services:

Erev Rosh Hashanah
Days one and two of Rosh Hashanah
Kol Nidre
Yom Kippur morning
Yom Kippur afternoon/Neilah service
Minimal need for leyning

No haftarah


Work Remotely: no


Training and experience as a High Holidays cantor

Knowledge of High Holiday liturgy (Lev Shalem makhzor)

Familiar with traditional nusakh and contemporary High Holiday melodies

Skill in leading davening with emotion, soul, passion


Position Start Date: October 1, 2024
Salary Range: 8,000 plus mileage and home hospitality lodging/meals
Send resumes and cover letter to:

To apply, please send the items below to VPRitual@templeisraelnh.org

Cantorial resume
Voice recordings of Unetaneh Tokef, Kol Nidre, Ashamnu 
Some examples of HHD nusakh, such as the opening section of the Amidah &/or HHD Kaddishes
Recording of one contemporary HHD piece you love
Three references

Send to VPRitual@templeisraelnh.org OR Temple office, templeoffice@templeisraelnh.org, 603-436-5301 x10

About Temple Israel

Temple Israel is a diverse, Conservative-affiliated, egalitarian congregation located in the historic seaport city of Portsmouth, NH, about an hour north of Boston.  Our members live in the seacoast area of New Hampshire and southern Maine. Our congregation is 300 member households strong; our Hebrew School enrollment ranges between 30 – 50 children.