
To our future Kol Ami Rabbi,

We are excited to get to know you. We are a congregation craving innovative change in the context of 21st century dynamics across Canada and the U.S. We want innovation in the way we serve our community and congregation and wish to build this together with our Rabbi. We are in a period of transition, which we see as an opportunity to redefine ourselves. Our values are clear, and we wish to redefine how we actualize them in the broader context of the evolution of our Jewish Community. Post-COVID, we are striving to rebuild our strong community. We provided amazing programming throughout COVID, and people came together online to learn, pray, and sing. We are now navigating how to come back together in the hybrid in-person and Zoom world. We view this as an exciting time, ripe for fresh, new approaches. We are not overly structured and want to collaboratively create innovative sacred space and time with our new Rabbi. Thank you for your interest in our community. We look forward to learning about you and to exploring what we can create together.

Tagged as: part-time rabbi, rabbi, senior rabbi

Community Description:

Kol Ami in a Snapshot

- We are situated in a vibrant Jewish complex in the Greater Toronto Area, 3rd largest Jewish community in North America
- We are in the heart of the fastest growing Jewish community in Canada
- We are an intimate and active community
- We are innovative
- We are a progressive, inclusive, musical community
- Our Rabbis have remained with us for many years at a time

Work Remotely: no

Who we are looking for:

  • Kol Ami seeks primarily an engaging and approachable Rabbi, strong in pastoral skills and music and values life-long learning.
  • Kol Ami also values a Rabbi who can be a uniting force, is flexible and adaptable in approach, skilled in building and maintaining a religious community and leading meaningful worship services and lifecycle events, and uses scholarship to challenge and inspire congregants in their understanding of Judaism and Jewish life.
  • Kol Ami seeks a Rabbi that can sustain, grow and engage our membership, and strengthen our reputation as an innovative, challenging and flexible Reform congregation both within our own congregation and in the greater Jewish community.
Position Start Date: October 1, 2023

- Percentage of pension in addition to base compensation: 15%
- Standard benefits of a rabbi in addition to salary (not included above)
- Income-Disability insurance: Yes
- Convention allowance:$2750
- Health Insurance: Yes
- Car Allowance: Yes
- Life Insurance: In health package benefits
- Books and periodicals:$250
- Housing: A portion of salary allotted towards housing - tax benefit

Salary Range: $75,000 CDN (1/2 time) - $100,000 CDN (2/3 time)
Send resumes and cover letter to:

asmall@mac.com and normrosenblum@mac.com

About Kol Ami

Further information regarding the position can be found here:

More details about Kol Ami and who we are can be found here:
