
We seek a part-time Rabbi (approximately 15 – 20 hours per week) to conduct Shabbat morning services from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon, lead all holiday services, and assist with adult education offerings. The Rabbi should be able to offer an introduction to the weekly Parasha, lein a triennial-style portion, and offer a weekly sermon. In addition, the Rabbi would write an article for a weekly email sent to the congregation, help to create, organize, and lead some holiday-centric social programs, and assist the membership in lifecycle events. Shabbat housing is available.

The rabbi normally takes part in two municipal events a year (Hanukkah menorah lighting and Fire Department memorial service) and attends Board meetings and the annual membership meeting.

Timing Expectations: 15 - 20 hours per week
Rabbi Qualifications: We seek someone who is personable, charismatic, engaging, and caring. The rabbi should make people feel welcomed and at home in the synagogue and not be timid about doing out-reach. In addition, The rabbi at CBIOTP does not perform interfaith marriages, but can officiate at an LGBTQ wedding.
Community Description:

Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades (CBIOTP) is a small but vibrant and spiritual egalitarian congregation located in Fort Lee, NJ.

Work Remotely: no

While each candidate will be considered on their own merit, our present Rabbi is an excellent Torah and Megilla reader, so proficiency as a Baal Koreh is necessary. The candidate should also be able to serve as Shaliach Tzibbur and although a weekly sermon is expected, the style of the presentation is flexible. Adult education is offered on Zoom and / or in person, so teaching skills are welcome.

Position Start Date: July 1, 2024
Salary Range: Salary: $75 - 90K
Send resumes and cover letter to:


About Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades (CBIOTP)

CBIOTP is a small congregation with an engaged membership that regularly attends in-person Shabbat morning services. We are blessed with intelligent congregants, who are open to creative programming and ask probing and astute questions. During services, the congregation sings with gusto and participates strongly. After services, there is a Kiddush luncheon, where people linger to talk. Congregants are warm and inviting, get along well, and engage in a friendly manner with each other.  CBIOTP is also the home of the Fort Lee Holocaust Museum, which we are planning to reopen to the public in the fall.