About Moishe House
Moishe (pronounced moy-shuh) House is what being Jewish in your 20s is all about. Launched in 2006 when four friends began hosting Shabbat dinners in their home, Moishe House provides a space for over 70,000 young adults around the world to create meaningful, welcoming Jewish communities for themselves and their peers each year. To date, there are more than 150 communities in over 40 countries, and we’re still growing!
Base empowers the best rabbinic leadership in North America to build a new type of pluralistic, communal rabbinate. From within their home and neighborhood, the Base rabbinic couple works together to cultivate an authentic experience for young Jews (22-35) seeking a meaningful outlet for learning and community. Base rabbis, like the populations they aim to serve, come from diverse backgrounds and are committed to fostering relationships with Jewish young adults that add meaning, purpose, and joy to their lives.