About Congregation Shir Libeynu
Our congregation comes from a variety of backgrounds—Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative, Orthodox and secular—with varying degrees of Jewish education and experience. Our new rabbi will find a community open to ideas and opportunities that will make a difference in the lives of our congregants.
As the longest-standing LGBTQ+-inclusive shul in the city, our rites and rituals reflect the diversity within our community. We are open to interfaith families celebrating at our simchot. We strive to accommodate people with disabilities.
In 1997, five committed women founded Shir Libeynu. Seventy people came to our first High Holy Days services. Since then we have grown to a community of about 300 people that pray, celebrate, mourn, learn, sing and dance together. We currently hold monthly Shabbat services that draw about 60 people. We have a B’nei Mitzvah program, a speakers’ series and other programs for adults. We are focussed on deepening our congregational life, increasing volunteerism and growing our congregation.
Visit our website: https://shirlibeynu.ca