About Congregation Beth El

Congregation Beth El is an innovative and inclusive synagogue. It was established in 1850 and was a charter member of the USCJ. CBE is the largest Conservative synagogue in the area and is made-up of a warm and committed congregation, some of whom are second- to sixth-generation members. It follows a strategic plan based on four pillars: Sacred Community, Social Engagement, Lifelong Learning and Fiscal Responsibility.

The following are the core values and principles which guide the actions of our congregation at all times, independently of clergy, lay leadership or other internal or external forces:

  1. From Generation to Generation (L’Dor Va’Dor)
  2. Community and Holy Relationships (Kehillah U’Kesharim Betzelem Elohim)
  3. Conservative and Egalitarian (Masorti V’Shivyoni)
  4. Outreach and Welcoming (L’Kiruv V’Hachnasat ’Orchim)
  5. Deeds of Loving Kindness (Gemilut Chasadim)
  6. Lifelong Learning (Talmud Torah)
  7. Prayer (Tefillah)
  8. Charity and Repairing the World (Tzedakah and Tikkun ‘Olam).

Our mission is to cultivate an active and engaged sacred community built on the strengths of relationships, innovation and outreach. Congregation Beth El brings to our lives the joy and wisdom of Judaism through innovative, creative and spiritually enriching programs and services.

In short, our mission statement is: Sharing Judaism. Enriching Lives.

We are a community, and feel strongly that relationships form the cornerstone of successful, healthy communities. One of our core values and principles is Community and Holy Relationships, so the very essence of relationship building and maintenance is hard-wired into our mission. We seek to cultivate an active and engaged sacred community built significantly on the strengths of relationships. We have a Kiddush luncheon following every Saturday Shabbat service, and usually an Oneg on Friday nights, in order that members can break bread together and get to know each other. We regularly feature programming to encourage members to socialize together, outside of formal services or educational activities. Of course, the latter also deepen relationships; whether at a minyan, over weekly services or Lunch and Learn sessions, out on the trails of our beautiful local parks or at someone’s home, our commitment to spiritual enrichment and lifelong learning is grounded in members coming together in their desire to experience the journey together.

We view our rabbi’s role as critical to the successful realization of this goal. Our educational programs, whether for adults or children, envision the rabbi as an active participant in the process, and not merely as the presiding instructor; the aim is to build relationships between the members and their rabbi as well as among all involved beyachad. To the same end, we believe that the rabbi’s encouragement and facilitation of participation by congregants in our weekly services greatly strengthens our communal ties. One-on-one and other pastoral interactions between the rabbi and congregants are of great importance to us at Beth El, and in these, too, we seek to foster the deepening of the bonds we share. In all that we do, relationship building is prioritized and the high value we place on community emphasized and underscored.

  • Solo Rabbi

    Congregation Beth El
    • Full Time
    • 5 months ago
  • High Holiday Service Leader

    Congregation Beth El
    New York
    • High Holiday
    • 5 years ago