About Ahavath Achim Synagogue
Ahavath Achim’s mission statement is: Ahavath Achim (AA) cultivates a Jewish community of purposeful belonging. We inspire and support spiritual journeys by deepening relationships with one another. We believe it is at the crossroads of our spiritual paths that life's purpose and God might be found. AA creates a vibrant, inclusive, spiritual community that empowers individuals to connect Jewishly beyond themselves.
AA is rooted in traditional Jewish observance, while also embracing novel approaches to prayer and practices. We have a rich history, including many multi-generational families, while also attracting many newcomers. AA is inclusive. We revised our Shabbat practices so interfaith parents and grandparents can participate in Shabbat services and b’nai mitzvot. We welcome LGBTQ+ and non-binary individuals. We also designed our building to increase access for those with disabilities.
Through prayer, study, and lifecycle events, AA nurtures individuals at every stage of life, and encourages active participation. We offer 2 daily minyanim, Shabbat, and holiday services, Shabbat Torah study and post-Kiddush Beit Midrash, a youth education program, and the Ahava Early Learning Center. We honor our volunteers during special Shabbat services and celebrate members’ simchas by offering Shabbat aliyot and special blessings.
We care for our ill, hospitalized, and homebound members by delivering food, calls and notes. We support our bereaved by attending shiva minyanim, condolence notes, High Holiday, Mother’s and Father’s Day letters. Our annual Arnovitz Leadership Institute identifies and cultivates emerging leaders. We offer a wide range of interest groups, social action activities, programs, committees, and initiatives so our members can connect with others, develop purposeful faith and belonging, embody and reflect our Jewish values of Chesed, social and environmental justice, and Tikkun Olam.