About Adas Yeshurun Herzlia Synagogue
Adas Yeshurun Herzlia Synagogue
The Adas Yeshurun Herzlia synagogue (AYH) is Winnipeg’s only Modern Orthodox congregation. It is located in the heart of the River Heights neighbourhood, which is one of the most heavily Jewish areas of the city. The congregation is Ashkenazi with many Sephardic members. Many of the synagogue members have a strong connection to Israel.
AYH has been in its present building since 1955. The building has been well maintained and upgraded. It was built as a Jewish school with attached synagogue, but the school has not functioned in quite a few years. Currently, aside from the synagogue, various community groups rent rooms for weekly programming. The synagogue has two kosher kitchens, one meat and one dairy; it is rented by other groups as well.
The synagogue itself has a capacity of about 200. The social hall next to the sanctuary is opened up for the High Holy Days increasing seating capacity. During the last High Holy Days there were about 235 attendees. Current membership is about 100 individual and family units. On a typical Shabbat we have about 50-70 adults plus some children. There is a daily minyan morning and evening. There are members of the congregation who will lead services, read Torah and do haftaroth. The current rabbi reads a significant amount of torah and functions as chazan rishon on the High Holy Days. Most members of the synagogue are traditional Jews and some are shomer shabbat.
The synagogue provides programming for children on Shabbat morning and one evening a week. There are regular adult classes, currently three a week, some in person, some via Zoom.
There is usually a sponsored kiddush after Shabbat services. A succah is erected on Succot, lulavs and etrogs are ordered for members, chametz is sold through the office at Pesach. Programs such as dinners, speakers, BarBQ’s are held during the year. Once a year there is a major fundraiser with a featured speaker.
The synagogue is run by a Board of Directors. There is one full time office staff person, a part time youth director, as well as hired cleaners and a kitchen worker for Shabbat.