
We are an egalitarian conservative Temple Looking for a Rabbi who will lead Kabbalat Shabbat, Saturday morning Shabbat Services, and High Holiday services. Rabbi will read from the Torah and Haftorah as required, lead prayers, and deliver d’var Torah as required and appropriate. Teach Hebrew School, prepare students for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and officiate at Bar and Bat Mitzvot. Officiate at weddings, funerals, unveilings, and any other life-cycle events. Counsel members of the congregation with respect to religious, spiritual, and family matters. Rabbi shall visit the sick and homebound. Rabbi shall be active in retaining current members and increasing the membership. Rabbi is encouraged to participate in civic, cultural, and public events.

Work Remotely: no

leadership, Jewish studies, fundraising, community organizing, public speaking, rabbinical degree, teacher

Position Start Date: July 1, 2023

vacation, auto allowance, relocation fee, sick leave, health insurance, housing

Salary Range: $65,000-$100,000.
Send resumes and cover letter to:


About Temple Israel of the Poconos

Temple Israel of the Poconos history dates to serving the great Poconos for over 75 years. We are conventionally located in the heart of the Poconos and within a 60-mile radius of New York and Allentown, PA. We are a Conservative Equalitarian Temple.